
Monday 18 January 2016

Let Me Take a Shelfie

The LRC has launched its first ever magazine; issue number one of |shelf life is all about getting to know the LRC. I hope you like our first edition!
|shelf life was conceived by students for students. The original concept was sparked from a conversation with the volunteer Student Librarians in our team meeting one week about how we can keep staff and students informed about the LRC.
The aim of the newsletter is to provide a termly round up of all the news and events from the LRC and about any literature events happening locally and nationally.
It’s all about you
This is your student magazine - so please send in any ideas or suggestions for features or content that you would like to see. If you enjoy reading, writing and voicing your opinion then |shelf life needs you!

What are we looking for?
We are looking for someone who is pro-active, enthusiastic and is willing to put their voice forward to help others. If you enjoy writing, whether you are creating your own work (e.g. stories or poems) or reviewing books, music or films, then get in touch and get involved.
For any more information about how to get involved, or if you wish to send us your reviews then please feel free to come and speak to us at the LRC Helpdesk or alternatively, you can contact us at: