
Tuesday 9 September 2014

Roald Dahl Day

September is Roald Dahl's birth month, and each year is celebrated with a wonderful array of events centred around his birthday on 13th September - the official Roald Dahl Day. In 2014, it also marks the 50th anniversary of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

To commemorate both Roald Dahl Day and the anniversary of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, there will be Golden Tickets hidden around the college throughout the week. If you are a lucky finder of a Golden Ticket, then bring it along to the LRC for some fantabulous prizes. To keep up to date with the hunt, follow the LRC online Twitter feed - @SouthSeftonLRC to get clues and news about the elusive tickets. Happy hunting!

Just a little update: All the Golden Tickets have now been found. Thank you to everyone who got involved in the search. The lucky finders of the tickets are: Alexina Whitley, Liam Wade, Karl Whitley, Lauren Cusack, Kelsie Halsall, Charlotte Price, Paul Fitzpatrick, Hannah Gregory, Zoe Whitley and Sipho Rizik. Enjoy your sweet treats!