Thursday, 15 May 2014
Informal meetings for those interested in creative writing, from poetry to short stories.
Tickets: Free, drop in
Book Fair
Book Fair
Friday, 16 May 2014 - Saturday, 17 May 2014
Collectible books and lots of bargains.
Tickets: Free
WOW Festival 2014 presents Spy in the Camp
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
WOW Festival 2014 presents Spy in the Camp
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Author Phil Scraton joins author Rob Evans and Janet Alder, campaigning for justice after her brother Christopher Alder died in a police cell. They will be discussing the revelations of deceit and betrayal by the police, unmasking espionage, phone-hacking and privacy violation.
Part of this year's Writing on The Wall Festival: ShellShock. Events take place throughout May, for the full programme please visit writingonthewall.org.uk
Tickets:£5/3 Book:Online
Tickets:£5/3 Book:Online
Liverpool Poetry Cafe: An Evening with Owen Sheers
Thursday, 22 May 2014
A rare chance to hear the celebrated Welsh poet, author and TV presenter Owen Sheers read from his award-winning poetry collections. The Blue Book, Skirrid Hill and verse drama Pink Mist.
Saturday, 24 May 2014
Workshops for sharing stories and developing your story-telling technique. www.liverpoolstorytelling.co.uk
Tickets: Donations from £2.50 during session
Bluecoat Literary Walk: Down to the Sea in Ships
Bluecoat Literary Walk: Down to the Sea in Ships
Sunday, 25 May 2014
City centre walk exploring seafaring stories from local writers Malcolm Lowry, James Hanley, George Garrett, and J G Farrell and Linda Grant, visiting waterfront places referenced by Melville and others, Gaskell and Masefield.
Tickets: Free, booking recommended
Tickets and Information